Legal notice
The entire website is under French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property rights.
All elements of the website are property of the company Au delà de l’idée sarl.
Any reproduction, total or partial of elements of the website without permission of the publisher is prohibited.
Au delà de l’idée sarl.
Société à responsabilité limité au capital de 12 500 €
RCS Paris B 480 097 096, APE : 7010Z
TVA intracommunautaire : FR 89 480 097 096
3, Cité de Magenta
75010 Paris
T. 01 48 03 33 03
Chief editors: Ute Wegener et Didier Masquida
Metropolitan Influence
6, cité de l'Ameublement
75011 Paris
T. 01 49 96 40 50
OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
This website uses cookies.
We are committed to the protection of your personal data in accordance with the regulations GDPR. Our database is the result of contacts and collaborations for several years. We have never acquired or accessed any other contacts and will ever do so. Our contact database is never and never will be disclosed to a third party and is only used by our agency as an internal address book. We guarantee the confidentiality of your personal contacts that we keep securely on our server.
For questions or requests that your details be removed from our database, you can contact the agency at any time by letter to the above address or via the contact form on this web site.